Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why I write

I write for many reasons. I began to write because it was required. I continued writing because I loved it. I do agree with Hickey, the author of Air Guitar, that an experience a person has becomes difficult to translate onto paper, but I think that is what I like about it. It is like a challenge. How can I take these words, and twist them to become what I want them to? How can I give them their full potential? Some people like math. It is very logical and straight forward. I would much rather have something that I can twist, something that no one can take from me. Grammar can be wrong, but words… not so much. (Of course I say that with a grain of salt.) Sometimes I think I am writing to forget, but years later I look back, happy that I can remember. I write to clear my mind. When I am feeling like everything is out of control, I can still touch pen to paper, and know I at least have one thing that is solid. Even when everything is spinning, I still have words. No one can take those from me. I write to leave a mark on the world. I write to be different, but I also write to connect to those who have written before me. My writing will always reflect styles of other writers or other things that have happened in my life, and there is nothing I can do to stop that. But that’s okay. It ties me to that other person, or people, and that experience. So I guess if I needed to sum up why I write: It’s just because I love to.

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